
Back to the blouse

On the Neue Mode blouse, I decided to let out the tips of the shoulder seams, straighten the front waist darts, and lengthen the front underarm darts. I think the resulting fit might be acceptable if not perfect. If I were recutting this, I might put in more shaping for the shoulder blade, do a real (if slight) FBA, possibly fill in the front armhole a little, and square the shoulders more.

The thing I find annoying about the way I generally do an FBA is that it makes the underarm dart angle further downward, when on almost any pattern it's already starting off too low in the first place. I don't know of a length- and width-adding, dart-intake-increasing method that doesn't do this; I'd love to know of one that did the opposite, if such a thing can exist.

I also took a separating zipper off a muslin I'd made, so I could throw out the muslin and keep the zipper. On second thought, maybe that was a waste of time. I might throw out the zipper too, as it seems to be extraordinarily temperamental about having everything lined up just right for it to start.

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