
Back, slightly discombobulated

I haven't done any appreciable sewing in the past couple weeks, and to be honest, probably not in the past few weeks. Instead, I've just been working on something vaguely like these Gemma socks, and lately, playing more video games in my free time. I've now become concerned this might be slow-roasting my poor onboard graphics chipset, and I don't really want to end up having to replace a whole lot more hardware (or in some ways worse IMO, software) if I can help it. So I'm giving it a rest until I get a new card, at least. Hopefully that means I get some other things done, like this:
  • A cut-and-sew knit cardigan from a dark red fabric I just got from Fabrics Etc. last month.
  • Finishing up the handknit greenish cardigan. I'm thinking the front edges could just use a plain rib finish, and then some sort of closure, maybe a zipper. I want something that will tighten those edges up rather than splay them out, and anything much fancier won't really show up in the nubby yarn anyway. Besides, I can just pick up the stitches and keep knitting that part as wide as I want, or until I run out of yarn. If it ended up being wide enough, I could end up with a foldover collar too (maybe with some short rows).
  • Finally finishing up that rayon georgette dress. Really, it just needs the hems, figuring out what to do with the bow/collar piece, and maybe fiddling with the sleeve hems a bit if it turns out they won't steam flat.
  • Probably some other cold-weather stuff. For example, I got rid of several long-sleeved T-shirts in the move and could stand to replace them.
In general I'd just like to pick up the pace enough for there to be something worth writing about more often. Other than that, I do need to update some things regarding the last couple months: I finished an additional project in November, which I think I completely forgot about and need to re-review; plus, I got several more fabrics from Gala's closing sale in December. I want to update my inventory before I make any grandiose plans for this year.

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