
LWD pattern

Now that I have a bit of a fitting shell, I'm going to test it in some sort of real fabric.

I'd been thinking about doing the Little White Dress contest on PatternReview, mainly as an excuse for/side effect of all this fitting shell drafting. I have more white and ivory fabrics in my stash than I want anyway, and very little actual muslin. So the thought was to test the fitting shell in one of those fabrics, and ideally have it turn out at least presentable enough to wear, if not to become one of my favorite things in my closet. Hopefully it'll use up just the right amount of a silk/linen blend I have in stash.

I got sidetracked briefly and considered using the fitting shell specs to alter Butterick 5894, which is one of the few very basic, sleeveless, fitted, straight dress patterns I currently have. But then I reminded myself that that wouldn't accomplish my goal of testing my fitting shell; I'd just end up with a white dress that I probably wouldn't have made otherwise. Big whoop.

So I decided to apply that double-princess-seam idea to my fitting shell instead. Here's my modified pattern:

By making one seam go into the neckline and the other into the armhole, I'll have places to tighten those up as necessary, as well as being able to tweak the waist and hip fit easily. Also, this avoids darts, which I've found were a real pain to press out on the very firmly woven silk/linen blend fabric I have in mind. At the same time, it's close enough to the original fitting shell pattern that I think I'll still get a decent idea of how that fits in at least one "real" fabric.

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